2024 Power Hour Series:

First Nations Engagement"

Virtual forum


Friday, 11th October 2024


9:30 - 10:30 am (Queensland time)


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Proudly supported by:

Supporter_Coexistence Qld
Supporter_The Energy Charter

About this event

Calling all engagement practitioners working in energy transition regional Queensland!  

Join the amazing lineup of expert guest speakers along with your fellow practitioners from around the state to better understand the imperatives and context for engaging in First Nations Communities and explore what practices we need to change to be genuinely inclusive & effective.

From the keynote presentation where Madi Sturgess will provide insights into the day to day reality in First Nations communities and what this means to us now, through to the incredibly high calibre panelists ready to share their experiences and ideas – this in one forum you must not miss!!

What is the ‘Power Hour’ series?

This is the first of a six-part complimentary ‘Power Hour’ series.

These interactive virtual forums will explore issues relevant to engaging in Regional Queensland, providing you with:

  • small bite-size learning opportunities and
  • exposure to key stakeholder perspectives

You will leave the forum with fresh insights and understanding and have added some actionable strategies to add to your engagement toolkit.

Meet the keynote speakers

Madie Sturgess – Clean Energy Project Lead, Original Energy and Kaneya Poudal – Queensland Manager, Original Energy

Madie Sturges

Madie is Original Power's Clean Energy Project Lead and a cleantech specialist with experience developing microgrid projects in remote and energy vulnerable communities in Australia and Haiti while advocating for equitable policies for a Just Transition in Australia and the US.

Madie is passionate about fit for purpose solutions for sustainable development, the democratisation of energy, and the larger transition to circular economies - none of which is possible without consulting the communities they serve.

Kaneya Poudal

Kaneya is a proud Wiradjuri, Yaegl and Kamilaroi man. He previously worked for many years with the Department of Defence as a Contracting/Policy Officer in the field of aerospace acquisitions. Kaneya was inspired by his participation in the First Nations Clean Energy Network's PowerMakers 2023 capacity building program to bring his experience and knowledge to the Network as their Engagement and Policy Lead to further empower First Nations individuals and businesses to not only take part in the clean energy transition, but to lead all aspects of it.

Meet the expert panel

bruce small

Mayor Bruce Simpson – Mayor, Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council

Bruce is  a strong Wakka Wakka and Wangan leader. Born and raised in the Aboriginal Community of Cherbourg, Southeast Queensland, he is currently the Mayor of Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council.

He has extensive knowledge, expertise and experience in management and leadership, including a Post-Graduate, Diploma in Health Promotion. He has researched the health practice within Cherbourg to build a collaborative practice which looks at a strengths-based service provision to deliver quality cultural appropriate services. He has been approached to begin my Masters and PhD in Leadership.

He is a strong small business educator, with lived experience of owning a consultancy. His Advanced Diploma in Business and Management and lived experience provided the foundational forte of how to work through complex systems to ensure ‘roadblocks’ are just a stepping stone to shared outcomes.

His strengths are First Nations Community Engagement and how the ‘foreign’ way of doing business with our people and communities brings collaborative innovative change and understanding of differences, and that we need each other, to create a liveable and harmonic society.

Tommy Hicks

Tommy Hicks – Head of Culture and Community, Indigenous Energy Australia

A Badimia and Narungga man, Tommy's focus is on empowering Aboriginal communities in the clean energy transition. He cultivates relationships based on trust and respect between mob, industry and government, ensuring projects align with cultural values and support Closing the Gap. Tommy’s approach emphasises co-design and reciprocity, delivering generational benefits that prioritise outcomes over assets. His work strengthens cultural integrity and enables community-determined outcomes - whatever they may be. With a vision for real change, Tommy is playing his role in helping communities thrive by ensuring culture isn't the price we pay to capture opportunity in infrastructure.

Register now!

About your facilitator


Wendy Agar - Engaged Outcomes

Engaged Outcomes exists to empower people and facilitate change in rural, regional, and remote Australia. Partnering with key industry stakeholders their Regional Connect program aims to empower individuals, organisations, and communities to engage, collaborate, position for change, and achieve economic and social benefits....together...

Managing Director Wendy Agar grew up on her family’s Central Queensland beef and grain farm and spent 10 years as a partner in a sheep and cattle enterprise in Western QLD. She has 20 years of experience serving in leadership roles in multi-sectorial organisations in rural, regional, and remote Queensland. These experiences ensure Wendy brings finely honed facilitation and engagement skills, a deep practical understanding of adaptive leadership, and a lived experience understanding of the challenges and opportunities of engaging, building capacity, and leading change in rural, regional, and remote communities.